• Wheel of the Year

    Celebrating Litha: The Summer Solstice

    The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere the Summer Solstice falls on June 20 when the sun reaches its northern most point in the sky. The pagan sabbat for this Wheel of the Year is called Litha or Midsummer.  Seasonally the harvest planted in the Spring is starting to grow. The Summer Solstice marks the midpoint of the Summer season, though it is also considered the beginning of Summertime. Greeting the sunrise on morning of Litha is a powerful way to celebrate and give gratitude to the solar energy. The sun gives us the most light on this day. After the days will…

  • Welcome

    Welcome To My Blog The Creative Priestess Path.

    On this blog, I will explore where pagan spirituality, magic, art, and creativity meet. This includes following the solar and lunar cycles on the Wheel of the Year, as well as creative, magical daily pagan life. I will also explore topics of astrology, dream work, ancestral connection, divination, creative ritual, working with animal guides, plant and herbal magic, crystals, and different aspects of the Divine Feminine in relation to creativity. Today is a Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse. The energy is good for releasing and new beginnings, as I begin this blog. I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you on The Path of the Creative Priestess.