Costume Magic

  • Costume Magic,  Wheel of the Year

    31 Days Of Creative Samhain Day 16: A Gothic Ghost Costume

    Samhain is a wonderful time for costume magic. You can create a costume that represents some aspect of yourself we would like to express or another creature. The liminal space of Samhain is a time of shape shifting. As an old school teen Goth from the early 1990s, I always reconnect to my Gothic style that still remains in my wardrobe. The dark, witchy magical vibes and creativity connect me to this spooky Samhain season. This has always been my favorite time of year for creativity and spiritual practice as a artist and pagan.  Exploring the idea of a costume that would connect Samhain and Gothic culture, I was inspired…

  • Costume Magic,  Wheel of the Year

    31 Days Of Creative Samhain Day 6: Costume Magic

    I love costumes and the aspect of shape shifting and creativity they offer. Samhain is a wonderful time to explore costume magic. A costume can be worn on Samhain to ward off any negative spirits wandering at night. This is a liminal time when the veil between the living and the dead is thin. The old year ends and the new begins on the Wheel of the Year. There is death of the year and birth of a new. We are in between on Samhain, and all spirits are closer to us. Costume’s are also a fun way to celebrate the beginning of a new pagan year. They allow us…