• Divination,  Runes

    Rune Berkano

    The eighteenth rune of the Elder Futhark is Berkano, which means the Birch Goddess. Berkano represents wisdom, healing, regeneration, rebirth, fertility, birth, breasts, motherhood, natural beauty, transition from winter to spring, growth, abundance female energy, Birch trees, and the Goddess Berchta. You can use Berkano for any magic and ritual connected to the Goddess Berchta, wisdom, healing, fertlity, birth, regeneration, abundance, natural beauty, growth, and transitions. Some journal questions for Berkano are: *What is being born? *What wisdom do I seek? *Is there any healing I need? *How can I regenerate and grow? *How can I handle any life transitions now? *Do I need more abundance? *How can I connect…

  • Divination,  Runes

    Rune Tiwaz

    The seventeenth rune of the Elder Futhark is Tiwaz, which means the the Norse God Tyr. Tiwaz represents masculine energy, justice, sacrifice, sovereignty, balance, spiritual warrior, strength, direction, and action. You can use Tiwaz for any magic and ritual connected to justice, sovereignty, action, balance, strength, direction, and sacrifice. Some journal questions for Tiwaz are: *Where do I seek justice? *How would I like more sovereignty? *Do I need more strength? *How can I be a spiritual warrior? *What action do I need to take? *How can I create more balance? *What needs to be sacrificed?

  • Divination,  Runes

    Rune Sowilo

    The sixteenth rune of the Elder Futhark is Sowilo, which means the Sun. Sowilo represents victory, guidance, mastery, action, motivation, hope, confidence, illumination, life energy, light, and healing. Sowilo is also connected to the solstices, solar seasonal cycles, the power chakra, and fire element. You can use Sowilo for any magic and ritual connected to the sun, solstices, fire, the power chakra, guidance, action, motivation, mastery, hope, confidence, illumination, and healing. Some journal questions for Sowilo are: *What would I like to master? *What needs healing? *How can I stay motivated? *What action do I need to take? *Do I need more confidence in any area of my life? *How…

  • Divination,  Runes

    Rune Algiz

    The fifteenth rune of the Elder Futhark is Algiz, which means Elk. Algiz represents powerful protection, Higher Self, divinity, teaching, spiritual connection and guidance, and safety. You can use Algiz for any magic and ritual connected to protection, safety, spiritual connection and guidance, and Higher Self connection. Some journal questions for Algiz are: *What needs protection in my life now? *How would I like to connect to divinity? *What spiritual guidance do I seek? *What safety do I desire? *What does my Higher Self want to teach me?

  • Divination,  Runes

    Rune Perthro

    The fourteenth rune of the Elder Futhark is Perthro which means the Unknown. Perthro is also connected to the Norse Norns, who are three goddesses who create and control fate. Perthro represents the unknown, fate, luck, chance, prophecy, secrets, life’s mysteries, cause and effect, free will, fertility, birth, and renewal. You can use Perthro for any magic and ritual connected to the Norns, fate, luck, prophecy, birth, secrets, life’s mysteries, connecting to the unknown, fertility, and renewal. Some journal questions for Perthro are: *What is my fate? *What is the unknown? *How do I explore life’s mysteries? *How do I have free will? *What am I willing to take a…