Animal Spirit Guides

Cicada Animal Spirit Guide

Here in the northeast of the US, August brings the music of male Cicadas filling the air with their mating song. The end of summer starts to whisper in their song, as the days begin to grow a bit cooler and shorter.

Cicadas are a species of insect that spend most of their lives underground between 13 and 17 years, before emerging in a large group above ground. Annual Cicadas are a species that emerge every year, but the nymphs stay underground 1 to 9 years. When the adult comes from underground they shed their nymph skin. The adult cicadas only live a few weeks after emerging and mating. The eggs hatch and the nymphs go underground.

Cicadas, as an animal spirit guide, represent emergence, shedding old skin, transformation, rebirth, longevity, resiliency, patience, self discovery, deep reflection, and hardwork. Cicadas ask us to look at and release our past. With their music they call us to find our true voice and self expression. This connects us to our throat chakra and creativity. Cicadas life cycle shows us divine right timing and connects us to the solar energy of the summer season. With cicada as our animal spirit guide, we can be helped to communicate with our high self and our own inner wisdom.

Some questions to reflect on while working with animal spirit guide Cicada:

*What old skins does cicada guide me to shed now to emerge and be rebirthed? What from my past needs to be released?

*What transformations are happening in my life that cicada can help me with?

*How can cicada help me find my true voice for self expression and authentic creativity?

*What ways can cicada help me connect to hear my higher self and inner wisdom?

*What about divine right timing does cicada want me to know?

*What ways do I need to be more patient and more resilient?

*What ways can cicada guide me to deeper reflection and self discovery?

*Do I need to work harder on any project or goal?

*How can I work with and honor solar energy with cicada?

Enjoy working with this incredible animal spirit guide Cicada.