Elemental Magic

Mermaid Magic

Summertime is a powerful time to work with mermaid magic if you go to the beach or even at home.

Mermaids are beautiful nature spirits to connect with, and there are many creative ways to do so. Here are some magical, creative ways to connect with mermaids:

*Take a day trip to the beach and meditate on being with mermaid spirits. You can create an altar on the beach of found shells, stones, and sand. The beach allows you to connect and honor all the elements water (ocean), fire (sun), earth (sand), air, and spirit. Have a beach picnic as well.

*Explore dressing up in festive creative mermaid fashion at the beach. You can also do this at home to honor the beauty and magic of mermaids. Anything with shells, glitter, netting, and the colors green, blue, turquoise, sea green, silver and purple can be put together in whatever costume you imagine. Shiny materials are as ok so nice to represent the waters reflection. You can also make a magical mermaid shell crown and explore glittery makeup. 

*Create an altar to mermaids at home including images of mermaids, ocean images, shells, crystals, sand, and water. 

*Take a bath and honor the magic of mermaids and the water element. You can add shells, crystals, incense, and candles to make it a ritualized bath. Add sea salt for purification.

*Draw, paint, craft or write about mermaids. Reflect on their magical, watery, beautiful spirit as you create.

*Explore reading about mermaids from different cultures and their tales. 

Enjoy connecting to mermaids and their magical, creative spirit this summer.