Animal Spirit Guides

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Cicada Animal Spirit Guide

    Here in the northeast of the US, August brings the music of male Cicadas filling the air with their mating song. The end of summer starts to whisper in their song, as the days begin to grow a bit cooler and shorter. Cicadas are a species of insect that spend most of their lives underground between 13 and 17 years, before emerging in a large group above ground. Annual Cicadas are a species that emerge every year, but the nymphs stay underground 1 to 9 years. When the adult comes from underground they shed their nymph skin. The adult cicadas only live a few weeks after emerging and mating. The…

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Otter Animal Spirit Guide

    Otters are mammals found in the sea and rivers. They are connected to water and earth energies. Otters also connect us to lunar and divine feminine energies. They connect us to our intuition and psychic abilities. Otters bring the the energies of playfuless, curiousity, creativity, the balance of ebb and flow, adaptability, mischievousness, good luck, loyalty, relaxation, joy, and transformation. Otters help us connect to our inner child as well. They also help support friendship and motherhood. In the Native American Zodiac, Otters are the animal totem for Aquarians born between January 20 and February 18. So this is an auspicious animal spirit guide to work with if you are…

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Animal Spirit Guide Salamander

    The mole spotted salamander is an amphibian that begins an annual breeding migration in early spring. The first warm, rainy nights in March lure these nocturnal salamanders from their winter tunnels to vernal pools of water. After breeding in the pools they go back to hibernation until the next spring. The salamander is an animal spirit guide that connects us to the spring season of renewal, fertility, creativity, and rebirth. They also represent being connected to the cycle of time, balance, and transformation. Salamanders are also associated with the fire element and solar energy. Since they are nocturnal these amphibians also connect us to intuition and dream work. The salamander…

  • Animal Spirit Guides,  Divination,  Divine Feminine,  Runes

    Rune Raidho

    The fifth rune of the Elder Futhark is Raidho, which means ride. This rune represents journeying, a vehicle, movement, adventure, travel, being on the right road or path, inner compass, intuition, and taking daily actions. Raidho connects us to horses that used to be our vehicle for riding, so it connects us to Horse as an animal spirit guide. We can also work with and journey with any Horse Goddesses such Macha, Epona, and Rhiannon with the rune Raidho. There is also a connection to roads and crossroads with Raidho, so Hecate would also be a Goddess to work and journey with. You can use Raidho in any magic or…

  • Animal Spirit Guides,  Divination,  Runes

    Rune Uruz

    The second rune of the Elder Futhark is Uruz which means auroch, which is an extinct wild ox. This rune represents endurance, strength, freedom, sexual energy, creative power, physical health, courage, life force energy, dedication, and survival. Uruz connects us our ancestors and their survival that made our life possible now. With Uruz we can connect to the strength in our bones and blood of their ancestral legacy we carry on. You can use Uruz in any magic or ritual connected to working with ancestors, physical health, creative power, strength, courage, more life force energy, sexual energy, dedication and freedom. You can also work with the Wild Ox as an…

  • Animal Spirit Guides,  Divination,  Runes

    Rune Fehu

    For the next 24 weeks I will be reflecting on one of each of the Elder Futhark Runes. I have found runes to be very powerful divination tools. You can make your own runes, like I did in the photo here, drawn on paper cards, stones, or cut round pieces of wood. This creates a deeper personal relationship with each rune. The first rune of the Elder Futhark is Fehu which means cattle or sheep. This rune represents prosperity, mobility, luck, new beginnings, creation, vitality, and fertility. This rune brings a sense of strength and connection to the earth. This autumn’s harvest bounty is part of the wealth and abundance…

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Animal Spirit Guide Bird Robin

    The bird robin, is often associated with the first sign of the spring season. You will begin to see robin’s eating emerging earthworms in the thawed spring grass, as the earth warms up. They also begin their nesting season. Robin is a great animal spirit guide to work with during this springtime. Robin’s represent renewal, new growth and beginnings, protection, patience, vitality, joy, happiness, rejuvenation, faith, passion, good luck, wisdom, and the beauty of song. You can work with robin as an animal spirit guide with any of these aspects. Some ways to work with robin as an animal spirit guide are: *Spend some time outdoors and see if you…

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Animal Spirit Guide Bee

    The animal spirit guide bee is a magical guide to work with during the Spring season and on Ostara. Bees are associated with spring, solar energy, and sun goddesses. The queen bee reflects divine feminine energy and fertility. Bees working together also teach us about teamwork, social connection, hard work, endurance, community, communication, and cooperation. The busy bee shows us how to accomplish our goals and to be focused, devoted, and dedicated. Bees also are connected to prosperity, sensitivity, self protection, creativity, and harmony. The honey from honey bees brings healing and sweetness of life. Some ways you can work with animal spirit guide bee: *Add honey to your cooking…

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Animal Spirit Guide Rabbit

    Rabbits are related to the Spring season. This time of year is their mating season, making rabbits connected to fertility, rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings. These are some of the same aspects celebrated during the pagan sabbat Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Rabbits are a magical animal spirit guide to work with during this Spring season and for Ostara. The Germanic Spring Goddess Ostara or Eostre is also connect to rabbits. Rabbits have often been associated with the moon cycles and good luck. They are also often depicted as tricksters and shapeshifters. Rabbits create burrows in the ground which makes them a powerful animal spirit guide to go on a journey…

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Animal Spirit Guide Groundhog

    February 2 is Groundhog Day in the United States. This is also the pagan sabbat Imbolc. This cross quarter day between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, was often a time for weather divination including observing hibernating animals behavior such as bears, hedgehogs, and badgers. German immigrants brought this tradition to Pennsylvania where groundhogs are common. Groundhogs hibernate in burrows between October and March-April. They are said to come out on Groundhog Day and predict the last 6 weeks of winter. If it is a sunny day and the groundhog sees his shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of cold winter weather. If he does not see his shadow on…