Kitchen Magic

  • Kitchen Magic,  Wheel of the Year

    Winter Spice Magic For Yule Season

    There are many lovely spices you can use to add to your Yule season celebrations and magical practice. If you love kitchen witchery, this is a great season to work with these spices in your Yule baking and cooking. Winter spices to use during Yule season include: *Cinnamon: fire spice connected to the sun, used for protection, passion, and prosperity magic *Ginger: fire spice connected to the sun, used for health, prosperity, and love magic *Nutmeg: fire and air spice, used for prosperity, psychic enhancement, love, travel, and good luck magic *Cloves: fire spice , used for protection, love, health, and prosperity magic *Allspice: fire spice, used for prosperity, health,…

  • Divine Feminine,  Kitchen Magic

    Autumn Hearth And Home With Goddess Hestia

    As autumn begins in the Northern Hemisphere, days are getting darker and colder each day. Trees turn beautiful shades of red, yellow, orange, and gold scattering across the landscape. Nature creates a painting before us. Our creativity can come alive with all these magical colors. We start to go inward and spend more time indoors. Working with and honoring Goddess Hestia, is a beautiful way to bring magic and the Divine Feminine into our homes during autumn. Hestia is the Greek Goddess of Hearth and Home. Hestia can assist you with bringing the beauty of the season inside, creating a cozy, joyful home as nights grow dark, and the air…

  • Kitchen Magic

    Autumn Apples and Pumpkin Spice Magic

    Today August 23, the sun goes into Virgo, and we head closer to the Autumn season here in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are starting to grow a bit shorter each day, and a few leaves can be seen changing color on trees.  The early apple crops are ready to pick now in late August. Apples symbolize wisdom, abundance, prosperity, love, fertility, sexuality, beauty, and longevity. Work with apple magic, connecting to these energies, while you bake something delicious with this lovely autumnal fruit. You can also enjoy some hot apple cider with cloves, nutmeg, allpspice, and cinnamon sticks. Stir your cauldron of cider clockwise, imbuing it with any of…