Animal Spirit Guides

Otter Animal Spirit Guide

Otters are mammals found in the sea and rivers. They are connected to water and earth energies. Otters also connect us to lunar and divine feminine energies. They connect us to our intuition and psychic abilities.

Otters bring the the energies of playfuless, curiousity, creativity, the balance of ebb and flow, adaptability, mischievousness, good luck, loyalty, relaxation, joy, and transformation.

Otters help us connect to our inner child as well. They also help support friendship and motherhood.

In the Native American Zodiac, Otters are the animal totem for Aquarians born between January 20 and February 18. So this is an auspicious animal spirit guide to work with if you are born then.

Some questions to journal on while working with Otter as an animal spirit guide are:

*What ways can I ask Otter to help me with connecting to my inner child and playfulness?

*How can I be more adaptible with Otter’s help?

*What ways can Otter help me deepen my intuition and psychic abilities?

*How can I be more loyal in my relationships with Otter’s guidance?

*What ways do I need to ask Otter to help me with transformation in my life?

*Do I need more relaxation and balance in my life right now Otter? How can I go more with the ebb and flow of life?

*How can Otter help me be more curious?

*What does Otter have as a message for me around my creativity?

*What inspiration does Otter guide me to?

Enjoy working with Otter as an animal spirit guide.