• Divination,  Runes

    Rune Ingwaz

    Thee twenty-second rune of the Elder Futhark is Ingwaz, which means Seed. Ingwaz represents gestation, internal growth, resting, potential, evolution, creation, seeds, and personal development. You can use Ingwaz for any magic and ritual connected to internal growth, creation and creativity, personal development, planting seeds, and gestation. Some journal questions for Ingwaz are: *What is gestating in my life now? *What internal growth is happening? *How can I connect to the energy of creation in my creative work now? *How can I reach my full potential? *What seeds am I planting? *What personal development would I like to pursue now? *Do I need more rest?

  • Divination,  Runes

    Rune Laguz

    The twenty-first rune of the Elder Futhark is Laguz, which means Lake. Laguz represents water, cleansing, intuition, the subconscious, memory, psychic power, imagination, flow, lakes, emotions, nurturing, and life force. Laguz connects to the sacral and third eye chakras. You can use Laguz for any magic and ritual connected to the water element, intuition, imagination, life force energy, flow, psychic power, dream work, cleansing, and self nurturing. Some journal questions for Laguz are: *How can I connect to my intuition deeper? *What does my subconscious wish to tell me in my dreams? *Can I feel more connected to my own life force energy? *What ways can I connect to the…

  • Divination,  Runes

    Rune Mannaz

    The twentieth rune of the Elder Futhark is Mannaz, which means Mankind. Mannaz represents humanity, community, relationships and connection, reciprocity, higher consciousness, learning, and ancestral connection. You can use Mannaz for any magic and ritual connected to community, relationships, connection, higher consciousness, learning, and ancestral connection. Some journal questions for Mannaz are: *What can I contribute to humanity? *How can I feel more connected to all of mankind? *What do my ancestors want to teach me? *Is there something new I would like to learn? *How can I deepen my connection in my relationships? *Do I desire more community? *How can I be more involved in my local community? *What…

  • Divination,  Runes

    Rune Ehwaz

    The nineteenth rune of the Elder Futhark is Ehwaz, which means the Horse. Ehwaz represents two horses, teamwork, partnership with animals, harmony, loyalty, friendship, trust, love, union, communication, liminal space, journeying between the worlds, and travel. You can use Ehwaz for any magic and ritual connected to horses, connection and partnering with animals, travel, journeying, harmony, trust, communication, love, and union. Some journal questions for Ehwaz are: *What ways do I want to partner with animals and my animal spirt guides? *How can I connect to horses with the rune Ehwaz? *Do I need more harmony in any area of my life? *How can I have better communication? *Do I…