• Animal Spirit Guides

    Cicada Animal Spirit Guide

    Here in the northeast of the US, August brings the music of male Cicadas filling the air with their mating song. The end of summer starts to whisper in their song, as the days begin to grow a bit cooler and shorter. Cicadas are a species of insect that spend most of their lives underground between 13 and 17 years, before emerging in a large group above ground. Annual Cicadas are a species that emerge every year, but the nymphs stay underground 1 to 9 years. When the adult comes from underground they shed their nymph skin. The adult cicadas only live a few weeks after emerging and mating. The…

  • Animal Spirit Guides

    Otter Animal Spirit Guide

    Otters are mammals found in the sea and rivers. They are connected to water and earth energies. Otters also connect us to lunar and divine feminine energies. They connect us to our intuition and psychic abilities. Otters bring the the energies of playfuless, curiousity, creativity, the balance of ebb and flow, adaptability, mischievousness, good luck, loyalty, relaxation, joy, and transformation. Otters help us connect to our inner child as well. They also help support friendship and motherhood. In the Native American Zodiac, Otters are the animal totem for Aquarians born between January 20 and February 18. So this is an auspicious animal spirit guide to work with if you are…

  • Elemental Magic

    Mermaid Magic

    Summertime is a powerful time to work with mermaid magic if you go to the beach or even at home. Mermaids are beautiful nature spirits to connect with, and there are many creative ways to do so. Here are some magical, creative ways to connect with mermaids: *Take a day trip to the beach and meditate on being with mermaid spirits. You can create an altar on the beach of found shells, stones, and sand. The beach allows you to connect and honor all the elements water (ocean), fire (sun), earth (sand), air, and spirit. Have a beach picnic as well. *Explore dressing up in festive creative mermaid fashion at the…