Animal Spirit Guides

Animal Spirit Guide Reindeer

Animal Spirit Guide Reindeer, is a powerful animal to work with especially during the winter. Reindeer herds travel and migrate thousands of miles yearly. They endure and thrive even in harsh winter weather. Both male and female reindeer have antlers.

Reindeer teach us about focus, determination, endurance, stability, strength, and adaptability to new surroundings. They also teach us wisdom, cleverness, communication in groups, connection to family, freedom to wander, and creativity.

Here are some ways to work with Reindeer as an Animal Spirit Guide.

*Connect to Reindeer to stay on track of your goals.

*Work with Reindeer to help you with focus on a creative project.

*Go on a trance journey with Reindeer connecting to the freedom of wandering.

*Ask Reindeer to help you adapt to new surroundings or experiences.

*Gain wisdom from Reindeer for better communication in your group or family.

*Work with Reindeer to deepen your spiritual pagan journey.

*Connect with Reindeer to endure harsh winter weather and for protection during storms.

*Ask Reindeer for guidance and protection during travel.

Enjoy working with this wonderful animal spirit guide Reindeer.