Wheel of the Year

Celebrating Beltane

The pagan sabbat Beltane is on May 1. This is a cross quarter day between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. The earth has returned to life with trees and flowers blooming, along with warmer days. Beltane starts the summer season on the Wheel of the Year. This is considered a fire festival. This sabbat celebrates life returning with the bright sun, love, passion, sensuality, and fertility.

Beltane is often celebrated by lighting bonfires and dancing around the maypole. This is a powerful sabbat for fertility, love, and prosperity magic. Other ways to honor Beltane is working with local blooming flowers, divination, and fairy connection. You can also enjoy creating a festive, seasonal meal to celebrate.

On Beltane, you can work with any goddesses associated with summer, flowers, fertility, love, sensuality, the sun, fire, and prosperity. Some goddesses include Flora, Hera, Artemis, Diana, Aphrodite, Venus, Freya, Rhiannon, and Arianhrod.

Creatively you can paint, draw, craft, or write about Beltane themes including flowers, fairies, summertime, the sun, and fertility.

Some questions you can reflect on in your journal this sabbat are:

*What ways can I connect to nature and this early summer season?

*How can I honor the sun and the longer, brighter summer days?

*Is there any way I wish to have more fertility, prosperity, passion, and/or sensuality in my life?

*How can I connect with the magic of flowers?

*Do I wish to connect to the fairy realm and how?

*What creative projects do I intend to work on right now?

*Is there any Goddess I am called to work with on Beltane and early summer?

Have a blessed, bright Beltane.