Dream Work,  Pagan Art And Craft Projects,  Wheel of the Year

31 Days Of Creative Samhain Day 24: Create A Samhain Dream Pillow

Samhain is a magical time for dream work. Keep a dream journal and write down any dreams you have. Reflect on what message they bring to you. Ask your ancestors, animal spirit guides, or the Divine Feminine especially the Dark Goddess for guidance in your dreams before you fall asleep at night. The liminal time of Samhain brings us prophetic and deep wise dreams.

Creating a dream pillow is a magical, simple way to add to our dreamtime.

For this simple craft your will need:

*Four small squares of fabric. Any Samhain print or material that inspires you.

*Thread and needle

*Mugwort herb for vivid dreams and stress relief

*Lavendar dried for a relaxing night sleep

*Any crystals for dream work you like. I used amethyst, moonstone, and red jasper for mine.

Cut four squares of your fabric the same size. Any size you want your pillow to be is fine.

Put your squares facing inside out, so the outside fabric is inside. Sew around your square. I enjoy the connection of hand sewing, but this can be super fast on a sewing machine. Leave a space unsewn. From this turn your pillow inside out.

Place the mugwort, lavendar, and crystals inside your pillow. Then sew by hand the top of your pillow.

Place your pillow under your pillow at night.

May you have prophetic, deep magical Samhain dreams.