Divine Feminine,  Kitchen Magic

Autumn Hearth And Home With Goddess Hestia

As autumn begins in the Northern Hemisphere, days are getting darker and colder each day. Trees turn beautiful shades of red, yellow, orange, and gold scattering across the landscape. Nature creates a painting before us. Our creativity can come alive with all these magical colors.

We start to go inward and spend more time indoors. Working with and honoring Goddess Hestia, is a beautiful way to bring magic and the Divine Feminine into our homes during autumn. Hestia is the Greek Goddess of Hearth and Home. Hestia can assist you with bringing the beauty of the season inside, creating a cozy, joyful home as nights grow dark, and the air becomes more chilly. She can help you connect with the creativity of tending your home and hearth.

Some ways to work with Goddess Hestia are:

*Ask Hestia to bless your home with her joyful warmth, as you light your hearth fire if you have a fireplace.

*Lighting a candle honoring Hestia, is a simple, lovely way to connect with her on a daily basis. Choose an autumn scented candle such as apple or pumpkin spice, to bring the scent of the autumn season indoors.

*Bake some autumn deserts or bread connecting to Hestia as you bake in your kitchen.

*Create a delicious autumn meal to enjoy for dinner at home. Light candles at the dinner table honoring Hestia in your home, as you enjoy your evening meal.

*Make hot apple cider, enjoying the warm, spicy apple scent. Ask for Hestia’s blessings over your home, as you make and drink this delicious fall cider.

*Ask Hestia to guide you to decorate your home for autumn, creating a beautiful, cozy experience to enjoy while you are relaxing at home.

*Create an altar to Hestia. This can include candles and a small cauldron to burn incense in, to honor her connection to the hearth.

May Goddess Hestia bless your home with autumn’s creative, cozy beauty and magic.