Animal Spirit Guides

Working With Animal Spirit Guide Bear

Bear is a great animal spirit guide to work with, as you head from autumn into the cold, dark, hibernating months of winter.

Bear’s connection to winter hibernation, can help you prepare for winter and go quietly inward to retreat and recharge. Restorative rest and sleep can be assisted by working with bear.

Bear can also be a reminder of needing solitude, as well as a reminder to have patience. What you plant now will slowly be growing with small steps until spring.

Bear’s connection to hibernation can also help you gain wisdom and insight in your dream work. Call upon bear to guide you in your dreams at night. Keep a dream journal near your bed. Bear can also help you to connect more strongly to your intuition.

Bears are very protective especially of their cubs. Bear can teach you how to work with protection of yourself, your loved ones, and your home. Work with bear in any protection magic.

Bear helps you connect with courage and strength when you need it more in your life.

Bear can also teach you how to be playful and more curious.

Creatively draw, paint, craft, or write about bear. This can deepen your connection to this animal spirit guide. You can also use any dreams to create art or writing, as you work with bear.

Some questions to journal while working with Bear as an animal spirit guide:

*How can I prepare for winter season?

*Is there a way I would like to retreat and recharge this winter?

*What wisdom and insight can Bear help me with?

*What am I patiently growing now?

*How can I create more solitude now?

*How can Bear help me with more restorative rest and sleep?

*How can I deepen my intuition this winter with Bear’s help?

*What needs to be protected in my life right now? How can Bear support me in this?

*How do I need to be more courageous and strong with the help of Bear?

*In what way can I be more playful and curious in my life?

Enjoy working with Bear as an animal spirit guide this winter season.